mission & vision

The Mission of the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) is to support and enrich the practice and scholarship of teaching and learning at Bryant University.

The Vision of the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) is to be recognized as a leader and central resource in inclusive and transformative excellence in teaching, learning, and community.


To accomplish the Mission, the CTE provides consultation, resources, and programs to do the following at Bryant:

  • Embrace diverse, equitable, and inclusive learning environments
  • Build self-efficacy for effective, inclusive, and student-centered teaching among faculty
  • Create a space for dialogue, problem-solving, and decision-making around teaching and learning for the community
  • Foster comradery and belonging among faculty
  • Facilitate communities of practice related to teaching and learning
  • Recognize and celebrate excellence in teaching
  • Encourage continuous professional development
  • Explore innovative, student-centered pedagogies that promote meaningful learning and growth
  • Highlight the intersections between pedagogy and student learning
  • Advance the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL)

core values

As the CTE, we are guided by the following shared values:

  • Learning
  • Reflection
  • Inclusivity
  • Community

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