curated class feedback
You spend hours preparing for class, organizing content, finding examples, designing assessments – but is any of it working? A Curated Class Feedback will help you find out! Participants are limited to one class session per semester, and may participate in as many semester as they wish, subject to availability.
When you participate in Curated Class Feedback, a trained facilitator will come to your class mid-semester and use 30 minutes of class time to conduct the feedback session with your students. You will leave the class during this feedback session; it’s best to use the last 30 minutes of class for this purpose rather than the first 30 minutes. It’s also recommended for the facilitator to sit in on the first portion of class to gain some context for what or how you teach, in order to better understand student comments.
After conducting the feedback session, the facilitator will write up a summary of the class’ feedback and send the summary to you within a few days. You will meet with the facilitator to discuss the summary. Then, within 1 week of the date of feedback session, you will address the feedback with your class, focusing on the “what to change” feedback and explaining what changes you are/are not making and why.