Navigate360 Frequently Asked Questions

Accessing and Managing Navigate: 

How do I access Navigate360?  

To access Navigate360, go to the portal, make sure you are logged in, and then use the Quick Launch Navigation Menu. Scroll to Navigate360, and you will enter the Navigate system. 

Why is Navgate360 not showing up in my portal?  

If you are not logged into the portal, you will not be able to access Navigate. To be logged in, the blue button on the top right of the portal page, must say “logout.” If it says, “login,” then you are not currently logged into the system. And you will need to click on the button and log into the system. 

Why are my students not visible?  

To see your students, you need to make sure you are in the “Professor Home” within Navigate. The system defaults to “Staff Home,” so you will need to go to the designation of “Staff Home,” on the upper left-hand side, click on the arrow next to the “Staff Home” designation and change to “Professor Home.” While in “Professor Home,” you will need to go to “Students in my Courses,” and toggle to the current term and your students will appear. 

Filing an Alert: 

How do I file an alert?  

You can file an alert two ways: 

  1. Within your landing page in Navigate, there is a blue “issue an alert” link on the right side under Actions. Click on this link. 
  2. You can click on a specific student posted on your “Professor Home” page, and a blue “issue an alert” link will appear on the right under Options. Click on that link. 

What happens when I file an alert? 

In all but the offensive conduct alert (see below for conduct alerts), an alert immediately “alerts” a student’s assigned advisor and/or Student Athlete Academic Support regarding the concern.  These members of the student success team will either immediately act on the concern or refer the student to additional services like ACE and the Writing Center.  When the student has engaged with the resource or taken appropriate action (which may be withdrawing from a course), the case will be closed in the system and information will be shared with the person who reported the alert according to FERPA guidelines. 

 What information will I receive on an alert I filed? 

When the student has engaged with the resource or taken appropriate action (which may be withdrawing from a course), the case will be closed in the system and information will be shared with the person who reported the alert according to FERPA guidelines. 

What happens when I file an alert on offensive conduct? 

An offensive conduct alert is issued only to the Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence and the Director of Student Success Programs and Services. The Director of the CTE will reach out to you to discuss the situation and to determine the next best steps. In many cases, a discussion with the CTE Director focused on effective strategies to address the situation can help resolve concerns. In some cases, the student behavior can be a conduct violation, and you will be referred to the appropriate support team to address the situation. The CTE Director will work with you on your case until it has been passed to the appropriate offices or has been resolved. Students are not informed of the initial alert, but if the alert moves to Community Standards and Services, DPS, or other offices as a conduct violation, the student will be informed. 

Who gets notification of an alert? Are students notified? 

Students are alerted in some cases, such as “general kudos,” and in other cases, such as the offensive conduct button, they are not. To determine if a student will be alerted, you can click on the “Issue an Alert” link and in the pop-up window, click on “please select a reason.” From there, you can test the different responses, and on the bottom of the pop-up alert window, you will see who is notified by the various alerts. 

Can you alert for a student not in your class? 

Yes, you can issue an alert for students not in your class. Click on the “Issue an Alert” button on your Navigate 360 landing page, and in the pop-up window, search under “student” for the student for whom you wish to issue an alert. 

When is it best to file an alert? 

When you have a concern about a student, it is best to file an alert right away.  When we mobilize resources early, we can help students be more successful.  If you are filing a positive alert, it is best to do it early and often. 

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