SPRING 2024 Teaching Summit

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"When the brain encounters any changes in the external environment, it will ask the question, “What strategy should I select to protect my overall well-being?

Join us at the Spring 2024 Teaching Summit will take place on Tuesday, May 21 in the AIC Forum with our keynote speaker Mays Imad. All Bryant faculty are welcome! 


8:45 A.M – 9:00 A.M. Breakfast

 9:00 A.M. – 9:15 A.M. Welcome from Provost Rupendra Paliwal         

9:15 A.M. – 10:30 A.M. Introduction of Keynote: Constanza Bartholomae, Associate Director of Teaching Support

Exhaustion, Burnout, and Transformation: A Sustainable Path Forward  Mays Imad 

In the age of burnout, how can we convince our students of the utility of education? This interactive session is dedicated to exploring the science of burnout, including strategies for identify symptoms of burnout, implementing effective coping mechanisms, and turning these challenges into opportunities for enhancing personal, academic, and professional growth. Through shared experiences and insights, we aim to uncover ways to adjust our teaching and support systems, thereby improving the lives of both educators and students. We will discuss and share ways to cultivate a nurturing learning environment that fosters resilience and promotes well-being and positively impacts our loves and those of our students.

10:30 A.M. – 10:45 A.M. Break

10:45 A.M. – 11:30 A.M. Faculty Fellows Facilitated Conversation

After the keynote, let’s engage in some facilitated conversation with the faculty fellows. We will consider how the concepts that Mays has covered can apply to our own classroom settings and what changes we can make, both now and in the future, to our routines, coping mechanisms, and policies to support better professional growth and well-being for ourselves and for our students. 

11:30 A.M.  – 12:30 P.M Lunch and Mid-Conference Remarks with President Ross Gittell

12:30 P.M. Panel: Disruption and Distraction in an Age of Interrupted Learning


  • Heather Lacey, Chair of the Department of Psychology
  • Leila Zbib, Assistant Professor of Finance

Nationally, faculty report an increase in distraction and disengagement in the classroom. Faculty wonder why previously understood classroom practices now must be taught and constantly re-enforced. Added to this, faculty note greater disruptive situations in the classroom, ranging from general classroom management issues to full-scale abuse of faculty (McMurtrie 2023). These problems can, in part, be traced to limited socialization due to the pandemic, the increase in precarity of the world and its impact on student and faculty well-being, and general cultural shifts in academic belonging expectations. This panel of experts will respond to faculty questions, as well as discuss strategies that can be used to re-engage students.


  • Inge-Lise Ameer, Vice-President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
  • Stephanie Carter, Director of the Academic Center for Excellence
  • Charlie Cullinan, Professor Accounting
  • Rob Richards, Associate Director of the Counseling Services
  • Marie Saddlemire, Director of Accessibility Services
  • Jana Valentine, Assistant V.P. of Student Life

1:30 P.M. – 1:45 P.M. Break

1:45 P.M. – 2:30 P.M. Panel: Repair and Restoration of Connections in the Classroom   

Have you ever felt like your connections with a student or your dynamics within a classroom needed rejuvenation? Have you struggled with a breakdown in communication or with re-establishing a warm academic environment and sense of belonging in your class? Join the faculty fellows and summit participants for a candid discussion where we can share experiences, as well as talk about strategies, that have successfully re-engaged students here at Bryant. 

Moderator: Chris Morse, Chair, Department of Communication


  • Lindsay Amber, Psychology
  • Maura Dowling, Finance 
  • Carrie Kell, History, Literature, and the Arts
  • Dave Louton, Finance
  • Taylor Maroney, History, Literature, and the Arts
  • Mehreen Pasha, Management
  • Ron Washburn, Politics, Law, and Society

2:30 P.M. -3:00 P.M. Reflection & Closing Remarks w/ Terri Hasseler, Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence

At the end of the teaching summit, we will gather together to reflect upon the day’s events—both individually with our journals and collectively in final remarks.


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